Evictions are called Unlawful Detainers in California and occur when a landlord-tenant relationship breaks due to an unsolvable problem or when a tenant refuses to vacate the property after being asked to leave by the landlord. COVID-19 affected this process and new requirements were issued for both tenants and landlords to follow. Our legal team specializes in residential evictions for landlords and can help you throughout any stage of the eviction process.

Small Claims Court is a special court design to be an inexpensive alternative for people and companies to solve serval issues. Although the process can be inexpensive, the amount requested can be a few thousands of dollars. The maximum amount awarded to people is $10,000 and companies $5,000. This process is usually settled at a court hearing without the need for a trial. Property Defense can assist you in any Small Claims case.

Collecting a judgment after winning a lawsuit or eviction can be a very complicated task, especially now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of people are unemployed and money is scarce. A few cases are lucky enough to have a defendant voluntarily pay their judgment debt, but most of the time the Plaintiff has to hire a company to collect the debt. Our team of experts can help you obtain a lien on the debtor's property, bank levies, and even garnish wages.

Our team can assist you with various types of civil lawsuits or procedures. Civil lawsuits are divided into two categories. Limited lawsuits are for $25,000 or less and Unlimited lawsuits are for $25,000 or more and any other issue that is not listed under Limited Lawsuits. Here at Civilis Law, we specialize in landlord-tenant related lawsuits, breach of contract, civil harassment lawsuits, civil protective orders, personal property disputes, and real estate disputes.

Karla P.
In August, my tenants stopped paying me rent due to COVID-19 and in September, they had subleased a room to another person without my permission. I was thinking the whole time that it was illegal for me to try to evict them. I found Civilis Law on Google and I called them to explain my case. Mr. Rodriguez informed me of the new laws and he helped me evict all the tenants in just 2 months.

Deshawn J.
Chris and his team did a great job at helping me get my 2 units back from a couple of tenants who were causing problems and harassing my neighbors. They kept on telling me it was illegal to try to file an eviction due to COVID-19. I didn't know what to do and I called a few attorneys. Most of them did not want to talk to me unless I paid for a consultation. Chris didn't charge me until we started working on the case.

Juan R.
I recently rented an apartment and I had not checked it properly before moving in. The bathroom was full of mold and roaches kept finding a way into my house. I wanted to get my money back and cancel the lease. The management company did not want o to reimburse my rent so I hired Civilis Law. They filed a lawsuit for breach of contract and helped me get the rent and deposit back plus my attorney fees.